Sunday, May 17, 2009

KaalSarp Yoga

KaalSarp Yoga
Kundali of Kaalsarp yogaDefinition

Kaalsarpa literally means “Serpent of time”. Basically this yoga is formed when all the seven planets get trapped between Rahu and Ketu. This can happen in two ways

1. When all the planets are between Rahu and Ketu. This is known as “Udit Golaardh” meaning ascending hemisphere. This is also known as “Grassit” yoga.
2. When all the planets are between Ketu and Rahu.. This is known as “Anudit Golaardh” meaning discending hemisphere. This is also known as “Mukta” yoga.

The right way to understand which of the 2 ways this dosha is operating is to see by the motion of planets. Rahu and Ketu move clockwise being always retrograde while rest of the planets move in an anticlockwise direction. If the planets are moving away from Rahu, then they are considered between Rahu and Ketu. But if the planets are moving into Rahu (as if Rahu is swallowing them) then the planets are between Ketu and Rahu.

Cancellation of Kaalsarp Yoga

It is to be noted here that if a plant joins either Rahu or Ketu in any house then this yoga gets cancelled. This is true irrespective of the degrees of the joining planet in the house of Rahu or Ketu. E.g. let’s say all the planets are between Rahu and Ketu, but Rahu is joined by Mars. Let’s further assume that the Rahu is at 15 degress and Mars is at 23 degrees. Now from astronomy perspective Mars still lies between Rahu and Ketu, but from Vedic astrology perspective the yoga gets cancelled. Same is the case if Mars is at 14 degrees in the same house.

Types of Kaalsarp Yoga

Depending on where the position of Rahu/Ketu in the chart is, various types of yoga form.

Annant Kaalsarp Yoga

When rahu is in the first House and Ketu in the seventh house and the rest of the planets are left to this axis the Yoga which arises is the Anant Kaalsarpa Yoga. This is also called as Vipareeta Kaalsarpa Yoga opposite Kaalsarpa yoga. Though this yoga has the power to give windfall gains to the native, it is bad for marital life. Generally natives with this yoga get married late in life or can have problems in marriage life. There could be problems to business or business partner as well. If the native becomes very hardworking and pay attention to personal development, then this yoga can actually create a lot of good results. Life will be full of struggle but theough the power of self-effort , the native can go very high.

Kulik Kaalsarp Yoga

When Rahu occupies the second house and Ketu the eighth house Kulik Kaalsarpa Yoga arises. This combination is bad for health. There could be diseases of the sexual nature or of the private parts. This is bad for financial prosperity too. The native is worried on account of an insecure financial standing. They may get into business problems and may face problems in accumulating money. The native may also misuse his interest in occult practices.

Vasuki Kaalsarp Yoga

When Rahu occupies the third house and Ketu the ninth house and the rest of the planets are located to the left of the Rahu Ketu axis this yoga is formed. The native may have to struggle a lot to stand on his own feet and get recognition and status in life. There could be sudden strokes of fortune or misfortune and sudden gains. The positive effects will come only if the overall chart is very strong and there are no malefic aspects on either 9th house or 9th lord.

Shankpaal Kaalsarp Yoga

When Rahu occupies the 4th house and Ketu the 10th and rest of the planets fall in between this yoga is formed. The native may have to face difficulties for domestic happiness, general happiness, comfort and conveyance. The native gets trouble relating to work, progeny, health and marriage. However this yoga also has the power of conferring high political success and windfall gains if Sun and 10th house are strong and are being aspected by benefics.

Padam Kaalsarp Yoga

When Rahu occupies the fifth house and Ketu the eleventh house and rest of the planets fall in between this yoga is formed. The native struggles on account of children and education. The native may feel emotionally insecure due to lack of apparent love from others. There could be delay in getting children. The native should stay away from extra marital affairs as illegitimate children can destroy his/her life. There are also chances of being let down/betrayed by near and dear ones. The native must try to develop a balanced outlook in life.

Mahapadam Kaalsarp Yoga

This yoga is formed when Rahu is in the 6th house and Ketu is in the twelfth house and rest of the planets fall in between. The native has secret enemies and has problems in relation to one’s occupation. The native may develop a negative tendency to play with the law of the land and may get into serious troubles on account of this tendency. However if this yoga acts beneficially it has the power to confer power and political success.

Takshak Kaalsarp Yoga

When Rahu is in the seventh house and Ketu in the first house and rest of the planets fall in between this yoga is formed. There may be difficulties regarding health, love affairs, progeny and marriage. There will be a lot of struggle in life and success will come only after a lot of hard work and difficulties. This is also not a good position for business partnerships as well as relations with opposite sex. The native must focus on his people skills if this yoga is present.

Karkotak Kaalsarp Yoga

When Rahu occupies the eighth house and Ketu the second house and rest of the planets fall in between this yoga is formed. The native is short tempered and has many enemies. There may be dirty habits like smoking, drinking and use of abusive language. This could also be the result of bad company the native like to keep. There could be health problems and lack of harmony. There is also danger of getting into sudden accidents.

Shankachood Kaalsarp Yoga

When Rahu occupies the ninth house and Ketu is in the 3rd house and rest of the planets fall in between this yoga is formed. Natives who have this yoga in the chart go through many ups and downs in life. The progress in life takes a very bumpy road. Luck may elude the native. Relations with father and siblings may also be strained. Native should stay away from the activities which may earn him bad name in the society.

Ghatak Kaalsarp Yoga

When Rahu is in tenth house and Ketu in the fourth house and rest of the planets fall in between this yoga is formed. There could be problems related to one’s profession. There could be sudden ups and downs in one’s profession. The native must stay away from getting in to trouble with seniors at work. There could be general unhappiness in native’s life. It could be due to problems at work, debt or some bad habits.

Vishdhar Kaalsarp Yoga

When Rahu occupies the eleventh house and Ketu the fifth house and rest of the planets fall in between this yoga is formed. The native must stay away from gambling and other forms of speculations. Problems may also arise from progeny and education. The native must stay away from egoistical attitude as that may mar his chances of good name in the society.

Sheshnag Kaalsarp Yoga

When Rahu occupies the twelfth house and Ketu the 6th house and rest of the planets fall in between this yoga is formed. The native may become very selfish and may also get into troubles with authorities because of this. The native may have problems relating to litigation. This yoga may also give bad health. However this yoga takes the native to a far off place for settlement.

How to Analyze Kaalsarp Yoga

Contrary to popular belief the effects of this Yoga are not always malefic. Just having one of the 12 combinations described above does not mean that the native will invariably go through the results described above. The whole chart needs to be analyzed in order to come to a conclusion. In my experience following factors should be considered.

1. One must check the overall strength of the chart by looking at Lagna, Lagna lord, Moon and Sun. If the overall chart is strong this will not let the kaalsarpa yoga have any major negative influence. A weak chart on the other hand will not be able to protect the native.

2. Depending on the Rahu/Ketu position, determine which side of the axis has all planets. All the houses of the side which is totally empty will feel the effects of this yoga. The houses in which Rahu/Ketu fall will particularly determine the area of life which will be impacted negatively.

3. However if the lord of the houses falling on the empty side of the Rahu/Ketu are very well placed (Exalted, in Friend’s house, in own house, aspecting their own house). Then those houses will not suffer that much and negative effect will be reduced to the factors attributed to those houses.
4. Vasuki, Padam, Mahapadam, Shankachood and Vishdhar Kaalsarpa generally do not give bad results if the overall chart is in a really bad shape. This is because of their association with 3rd, 6th and 11th house in which Rahu/Ketu are considered favorable.

5. If in D-9 chart Rahu/Ketu fall in 3rd, 6th or 11th house, then the effects are reduced.

6. One must check the constellations of Rahu/Ketu as well. If they fall in benefic constellations (if the lords are natural benefic planets) then they become more unfavorable.

7. Its impact will be more prominent during dasha and antardasha periods of Rahu and Ketu. This is very important point. If this yoga is very strong in one’s chart, but the dasha does not operate till very late in his life, then it really does not effect the native that much.

8. It causes severe hardships when related with Sun and Saturn or the lords of the houses occupied by Sun or Saturn.


Remedy for kaalsarp yoga is a controversial subject. However in my humble experience the following are known to have brought relief.

1. Recite Lord Shiva’s mantra “Om Namah Shivay” 108 times daily.

2. Recite Mahamritunjaya mantra daily. Everytime a bad thought comes to your mins or you see things going in the wrong direction, recite this mantra

3. Keep fast for 16 Mondays.

4. Give Blue or Brown cloth, wheat, mirror, sesame seeds, oil, iron and blanket towards charity

5. Aviod wearing black clothes.

Indian Astrology Remedies-Do They Really Work?

What Are Vedic Astrology Remedies?

Human beings in their life face a lot of pain, misery and troubles, which affect them both emotionally as well as physically. To avoid pain and to seek pleasure has been one of the major objectives of our lives. The other major objective for a select few of us is to know our true self and to know the ultimate reality and be one with it. Whether the objective is material or spiritual, as per one’s destiny there could be a lot of hurdles. Vedic (Indian) astrology has not only given us tools to determine what’s destiny has in store for us but also ways to avoid the hurdles in achieving our material or spiritual goals. These ways as suggested by the astrological principles are called remedies. All these remedies attempt to correct one of the two situations as depicted in your chart. They are making good planets stronger or making effect of bad planets weaker.

Doubts About Vedic Astrology Remedies?

A number of people who believe in Indian astrology refuse to believe the efficacy of the remedial measures it offers. Here are some of many questions I have received in the past.
“The underlying assumption of astrology being karma theory and planets being just ’soochakas’ rather than ‘karakas’ (signals rather than doers), is there a justification for remedy at all?”
“All of life events are something that I feel are destined. If they are destined and my astrological charts are telling me this, how can I change something written in my chart and hence in my destiny”
“If my chart is predicting an unfavorable event in my life, and by remedies if I am able to stop that event from happening, wouldn’t that invalidate what’s written in my chart”

Why Remedies Do Not Work?

All of the above are excellent questions. But there is valid theory behind the concept of remedies. Just like when a drug company introduces a new drug, it goes through clinical trials for several years before it is released for the consumption of common public, similarly these remedies are tried and tested by years of practice of our ancient seers. However just as a drug is not suitable for everyone and only a very experienced doctor can tell if a drug is right under certain conditions, similarly only a very experienced Indian astrologer can tell the right remedy for the right person valid under certain conditions. Majority of the so-called astrologers do not follow the rules correctly and hence give a bad name to these remedies.

What is the Astrological Basis of Remedies?

Planets move in the skies in a pre determined way. The permutations and combinations they form are all predetermined and are being governed by natural laws. Reasoning then suggests that the only way destiny can control your next birth based on your karmas is by choosing a time for your birth when the certain planetary combinations suited to give you the results based on your past karmas are present. So destiny does it role by choosing that moment and giving you a life as per the planetary combinations and their natural effects. Now destiny’s role is done and planets take over to give you the results based on the combinations present at the time of your birth. But what if the man learns to alter the effects of planets to some extent now.. can he alters his predefined life now…. the answer is obviously.. if we understand how planets effect us to begin with to give the life destiny handed over to us.. we can surely alter those effects to make them work for us. That’s what remedies are all about. They are our attempt to alter the natural effects of planets. We do that by experimenting with gems (which use electromagnetic radiations), Mantras. (Which use sound waves) and Yantras (which use geometrical and mathematical shapes).

Correct Way Of Determining Remedy

A doctor needs to determine your health and other drug history before prescribing a medicine. he does that to make sure that there are no unwanted interactions with other drugs you are taking, your body will be able to take the side effects and the drug will be effective given your age, weight, blood pressure etc. An astrologer pretty much needs to do a similar analysis. e.g. Let’s say that a native comes to you with a problem of not able to gain a lot wealth. Now the problem has two parts, he must be able to make a lot of money as well as he must be able to accumulate a lot of wealth by proper savings or investments. What if you suggest a remedy, which will help him, earn a lot of money by making a particular planet stronger? But what if that planet is bad for accumulating wealth? By suggesting that remedy you just made sure that he will earn a lot of money but will not be able to save or invest it properly. That person will obviously come back later on and say that the remedy never worked. The correct way of suggesting the remedy is as follows.

* First Determine the overall bad and good effects of all planets in the chart.

* Next determine the strength of all those planets.

* Next determine what is causing the trouble. A weak but good planet or a strong but malefic planet.

* If both of the above cases are present then choose the weak but the good planet for remedy.

* If weak but good panet is picked for remedy, determine if that planet is capable of producing bad effects for any house. Check the strength of that house, if the house is otherwise strong proceed, otherwise also include in your remedy the good planet for that chart to protect that house.

* If strong but malefic planet is picked up for remedy, determine if that planet (specially the houses on which that planet lords over) is good for any house. Repeat the same check as explained above to make the affected house stronger.

* Finally check the dasha scheme, check the relationship of the planet with the dasha lord and see if they are compatible. If not compatible then suggest a remedy for the dasha lord instead of the planet in question.

As you can see the results will really vary chart to chart. That’s why no remedy works the same way for all the poople. Remedies do work, but determine the right remedy takes real skill and years of experience.
Seven N half year of saturn (Shani ki saade saati)
Your life path- Numerology
What is Horoscope

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Seven N half year of saturn (Shani ki saade saati)

Mystery of Sade Sati

What is Sade Sati?

Sade Sati is a very dreadful word for the common masses. When, Saturn transits through the 12th, 1st, and 2nd house from the natal moon (where one’s Moon is placed in the birth chart), this is termed Sade satti. Saturn takes 2 ½ years to pass through each sign (30 years to make one round of the zodiac), its passing through 3 signs make it 7 ½ years. Sade means “half” and Sati translates to “seven” and hence the name Sade Sati. There is a general belief that Sade Sati period brings dissatisfaction, disappointments, depression, differences, disputes, disharmony and undesirable results ,but actually this is not the case. Saturn does not always behave this way and it really depends on individual’s chart. For example if Saturn is acting as a yoga karaka, there is no way it can cause all that problems in native’s life. Most of the people go through 2-3 periods of Sade Sati in their life time, 4 periods are very rare. It reappears after every 25 years from when it first finished.

Sade Sati Influence

While it is true that during this 7-1/2 years Saturn transit period people do experience some tensions and troubles, it is nothing to be scared about. Even while giving some troubles and tensions, it does not deny you success. As a matter of fact a number of people prosper to new heights during this period. Sade satti is about doing one’s obligatory duties without considering likes and dislikes. One who does this forever is least effected by Sade Satti and in fact gains during this period. However if anyone is arrogant, egoistic, unsympathetic, and non-hard working then he is targeted during the person’s Sade Sati and can make him go through a lot of hardships

Three Cycles of Sade SatiVeda

First cycle of Sade-sati generally affects close relatives more than the native. The 2nd cycle influences the domestic front as well as the business front, and the 3rd cycle affects children, family, health, and physical suffering or may even indicate the death of the native. However before coming to any conclusion an astrologer must the following things.

* Is Saturn acting as a functional benefic or malefic in the natal chart?

* Is Saturn coming under aspect of any naturally benefic/malefic planets.

* What is the Dasa/bhukti running during that time? Is Saturn involved there?

* Is the transit of Saturn under Vedha from Jupiter?

* What is the nature of Nakshatra under which Saturn falls in natal chart?

* How strong is the Natal chart. E.g. how many benefic planets in kona and Kendras, How well placed is Lagna and Lagna lord etc..

* What’s the influence of Lagna on Saturn? E.g. is Saturn in Lagna or is it in conjunction with Lagna lord.

As you can see the results will really vary chart to chart. If someone is having all the -ve factor in the chart as explained above then his time will be very bad, but if someone has most of the factors as +ve, then Saturn will end up giving very good results. Keep this in mind while studying the bad effect explained below.

First Cycle

In the first cycle, when Saturn transits 12th house from moon for 2.5 years, the evil results are felt more by the parents and near relations of the native than the native himself. There could be some eye related problems to people who abuse this wonderful gift e.g. watching too much TV by sitting close to it. Saturn from this position throws its 3rd aspect on the 2nd house, which may affect the financial position of the native by increasing the wasteful expenditure. Because of 7th aspect on 6th house it can cause some debt. And finally because of 10th aspect on 9th house, it can bring down the general fortune of the native and can also cause setbacks to the father of native.

Second Cycle

During the Second Cycle when Saturn transits first house from moon for 2.5 years, it affects the native himself in domestic (7th aspect on 7th house and professional fields(10th aspect on 10th house). Being in the fist house it denotes ill health for the native. It can result in Weak finances, many miseries, loss of health, separation from family, loss of friends, increase in unnecessary expenditure, failure in undertakings, humiliation, loss of self confidence and self respect. One must keep in mind that these results can occur only when Saturn is acting as a pure malefic in the native’s chart as explained above. Less than 5% of the natives going through Sade Satti will actually feel all these results. For most of the people there will be mixed results only.

Third Cycle

During the Third Cycle when Saturn transits in the 2nd house from Moon, It affects one’s health, children and may even cause death if it come in late life .During this transit (8th house aspect). It may cause Loss of money, heavy expenditure, loss of health, unhappy domestic life (aspect on 4th house), mental distress, loss of wealth, increase in enemies, physical distress, quarrels with relatives and friends, lots of grief, all sorts of sufferings.
You can check which cycle(if at all) you are going throgh by clicking here.

Remedies for Sade Sati

Remedies should not be applied without taking into consideration how exactly the Sade Sati is going to affect you. If Saturn is trying to correct some of the wrong doings of your life e.g. trying to make you work very hard by creating obstacles, then it should probably be left untouched as its doing it for your own betterment. However if you feel that your life is really going through hell, you must consult a competent astrologer before applying any remedy. Daily reciting of Hanuman Chalisa can be done without any problem as it helps the native in all cases. Similarly wearing an Iron ring made out of horse shoe in your middle finger of right hand, offering copper and sesame oil to Saturn every Saturday are other harmless activities. Wearing any stone during this period is an absolute No No, unless the astrologer has really done his analysis (You can ask him the questions I explained earlier).


Saturn, which according to Hindu mythology is the son of Sun God, is not always a bad planet. Proper care must be given to complete analysis of this planet before concluding that Sade Satti can cause problems in one’s life.

64th Navamsa Technique

Normally we are taught to believe the following regarding Kharesh ~
Lord of the 64th Navamsa from Lagna is Kharesh
Lord of the 22nd Drekkana from Lagna is Kharesh.
Some texts mention calculating these points from Moon!! Almost every book asks us to consider this point and the Lord of this Navamsa – Kharesh to look for bad results, but how? In order to get a clear understanding of the subject a little primer on the basics will be mentioned here.

For Chara Rasi (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) – the first Navamsa will be of the same sign and then the next sign. So the first Navamsa in Aries will be Aries, Second Navamsa will be that of Taurus!! For Sthira Rasi (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) – the first Navamsa will be that of the 9th sign. For example the first Navamsa in Taurus will be Capricorn and the second Navamsa will be that of Aquarius. For Dwi-Swabhav Rasi (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) – the first Navamsa will be that of 5th sign. For example the first Navamsa in Gemini will be of Libra, the second Navamsa will be that of Scorpio. The above rules are elementary and a student of Astrology is supposed to know them by heart.

As we all know the Zodiac starts from 0 degrees Aries, so starting of Taurus will be 30 degrees, Gemini will be 90 degrees and so on. Let us for example say Saturn as of today is at 25:56:56 Cancer, it indirectly means that Saturn is at 115:56:56 – this will be from 0 degree Aries!!! Hope the concept is clear. Do we use Decimal degrees? Or do we use deg:min:sec?? Depends on how fast you want to do your calculations!! How? Saturn is right now at 115.949 (note the decimal) degrees!!! Let us now convert this Decimal degree to Deg:Min:Sec value!!! Everybody knows that 1 Degree has 60 Minutes & One Minute has 60 Seconds!!! Next separate the degree in decimals 115.949 to 115.0 and 0.949. Now convert 0.949 to seconds by multiplying it by 60!! We have 56.94!!! Separate this as 56 Minutes and 0.94!! Multiply 0.94 by 60 – we have 56.4 So the Empirical Value of 115.949 is written as 115:56:56 – fair enough? Why have I stressed this point? It is easier to use decimal degrees than conventional deg:min:sec values. This is greatly helpful when you are calculating Kendra positions from a planet and its Trinal positions.

Kendra positions will be 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees!! Trinal positions will be 0, 120 and 240 degrees. As you can see it is much easier to use Decimals!!! One of the software’s Astrolog gives you decimal degrees, hence my favorite. You will find the download link in appropriate topic on the community. Navamsa divisions in a house – We all know Navamsa is 1/9th division of a house, so each division is 3deg and 20 sec of an arc!! Converted this to decimal each division is 3.3333 degrees!! How to calculate the 64th Navamsa? Different books and authors give different methods of calculating this point; however we will concentrate on the method used for current use. The method described is totally radical and taken from Nadi Shastra’s, so DO NOT CONFUSE THIS METHOD FROM WHAT IS GIVEN BY SOFTWARES!!!

The Rule is ~ 64th Navamsa of a planet is the 8th house from that planet in Rasi Chart and its Navamsa position would be the 4th house from that planet’s Natal Navamsa (D9) position. Sounds confusing?? Allow me to explain step by step by taking an example horoscope.

Example Horoscope

Natal Chart
Date: June 30, 1973
Time: 23:30:00
Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)
Place: 74 E 30′ 00″, 15 N 52′ 00″
Belgaum, India
Altitude: 0.00 meters
Rasi Position D1
Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa
Lagna 28 Aq 01′ 03.56″ PBha 3 Aq Ge
Sun - MK 15 Ge 17′ 50.50″ Ardr 3 Ge Aq
Moon - AK 19 Ge 02′ 40.43″ Ardr 4 Ge Pi
Mars - PiK 12 Pi 53′ 38.93″ UBha 3 Pi Li
Mercury - PK 8 Cn 29′ 21.72″ Push 2 Cn Vi
Jupiter (R) - AmK 17 Cp 10′ 32.97″ Srav 3 Cp Ge
Venus - GK 6 Cn 58′ 49.24″ Push 2 Cn Vi – or this is close to 7 degrees?
Saturn - DK 2 Ge 37′ 25.67″ Mrig 3 Ge Li
Rahu - BK 14 Sg 11′ 24.52″ PSha 1 Sg Le
Ketu 14 Ge 11′ 24.52″ Ardr 3 Ge Aq

Next take the Navamsa position D9
Body Longitude (in D-9) Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa
Lagna 12 Ge 09′ 32.01″ Ardr 2 Ge Cp
Sun - PiK 17 Aq 40′ 34.51″ Sata 4 Aq Pi
Moon - MK 21 Pi 24′ 03.84″ Reva 2 Pi Cp
Mars - AK 26 Li 02′ 50.39″ Visa 2 Li Ta
Mercury - PK 16 Vi 24′ 15.50″ Hast 2 Vi Ta
Jupiter (R) - GK 4 Ge 34′ 56.69″ Mrig 4 Ge Sc
Venus - DK 2 Vi 49′ 23.15″ UPha 2 Vi Cp
Saturn - AmK 23 Li 36′ 51.03″ Visa 2 Li Ta
Rahu - BK 7 Le 42′ 40.64″ Magh 3 Le Ge
Ketu 7 Aq 42′ 40.64″ Sata 1 Aq Sg

Next let us apply the rule and find out the 64th Navamsa for each Planetary body and Lagna. For beginners let us take
A) Lagna ~
Rasi Chart – Lagna is Aquarius – Find the 8th house from this spot – It is Virgo!! ——- a
Navamsa Chart – Locate the Lagna – it is Gemini – Find the fourth house from this spot!! It is Virgo!! —– b
Applying the 64th Navamsa rule we get the following ~ Lagna’s 64th Navamsa Position will be in Virgo (a) and in Virgo Navamsa (b)!!!
Virgo Navamsa in Virgo is the last Navamsa!!! Please refer rule for Navamsa given above. The degrees will be 26.6666 to 30.0000 (Decimal) or conventional 29:56:40 to 30:00:00
All this is in the Rasi Chart!!
B) Let us calculate for Rahu
Rasi Chart – Rahu is in Sagittarius – 8th from Sagi is Cancer.
Navamsa Chart – Rahu is in Leo, 4th house from Taurus is Scorpio
Apply Rule – 64th Navamsa position of Rahu will be in Cancer and in Scorpio Navamsa – fair enough?? The relevant degrees will be 96.6666 to 99.9999 Decimals!!!

How do we use this data in predictions?
For simplicity let us take an event date for this native..
Natal Chart
Date: July 24, 2006
Time: 14:30:00
Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)
Place: 74 E 30′ 00″, 15 N 52′ 00″
Belgaum, India
Altitude: 0.00 meters
Rasi Position of Planets
Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa

Lagna 3 Sc 55′ 31.83″ Anu 1 Sc Le
Sun - GK 7 Cn 23′ 54.42″ Push 2 Cn Vi
Moon - AmK 28 Ge 03′ 03.43″ Puna 3 Ge Ge
Mars - DK 7 Le 02′ 55.25″ Magh 3 Le Ge
Mercury (R) - AK 28 Ge 06′ 44.28″ Puna 3 Ge Ge
Jupiter - PiK 15 Li 30′ 54.32″ Swat 3 Li Aq
Venus - PK 12 Ge 24′ 40.80″ Ardr 2 Ge Cp
Saturn - MK 19 Cn 06′ 10.39″ Asre 1 Cn Sg
Rahu - BK 4 Pi 13′ 32.42″ UBha 1 Pi Le
Ketu 4 Vi 13′ 32.42″ UPha 3 Vi Aq

Coming to the Natal chart itself, we find that Mercury and Venus are in the 64th Navamsa area of Rahu – see calculations!! So the event was waiting to happen!!! Venus being the Sthir karka for spouse and Mercury is the Sthir Karka for friends and relatives. So the spouse was supposed to cheat on the native!!
This can be also confirmed from UL in the chart, UL is in Scorpio while Rahu is in Sagittarius. Rahu’s Drishti on UL is a sign of cheating in relations.
Coming on the event date – both Sun and Saturn are in Cancer, with Sun at 7:23:54, which is in the same quarter as the 64th Navamsa for Rahu calculated earlier. Sun is also the Lord of the 7th house!!!
Easy deduction? The day was destined to be a horrible surprise for the native – he came home to see his wife with some other person!!!
I will leave it upon the student to calculate 64th Navamsa degrees for each planetary body and confirm why this event happened on that particular day??? Sun crosses this point every year, remember??


Bottom line is calculating 64th Navamsa positions of each planet in a horoscope. Note down the degrees. Next look up at transit position of planets!!! See if any transit planet is in the 8th position from a planet in the Rasi Chart. The event will happen when the Transit planet will cross the 64th Navamsa degrees!!! Please note we did not use ANY DASA system!!! Now sit back and relax, take a good look at your horoscope and find out event dates!!! Next calculate the Kendra and Trinal Positions from 64th Navamsa degrees!!! Some events take place within this frame work too. In my own humble experience of 8 years using this technique I have predicted death, rape, marriage, awards, rewards and many other events!!! I will now leave it to the student to figure it out for him/her.
Kaal-Sarp Yoga Click here >>>>
Your Life Path Click Here>>>>
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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Know your life path

Numerology charts are made up of the following numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 22. In order to determine which number applies to you, you must add up the digits that make up your birth date or name. This sum is further reduced by consequently adding up the resulting digits until a single digit answer (or the numbers 11 or 22) is achieved. If at anytime during the equation, you come up with the numbers 11 or 22, you do not need to reduce them. The most important aspect of Numerology is determining your Life Path, which involves adding up the digits of your birth date. The example to the right explains further how to add up your digits.

Numerology is the study of numbers that helps determine and reflect a persons characteristics, talents, motivations and path in life. Letters of the alphabet also can be represented by certain numbers, and thus the sum of numbers in your name as well as your birth date have a direct cosmic relation to themselves, and to who you are. Numerology experts are able to determine key points in people lives, and moments in which to make major moves and decisions, such as traveling, investing and marraige.

Which Life Path Do You Belong to?
Check your Life Path to find out about it…

Life Path 1 Life Path 2 Life Path 3 Life Path 4 Life Path 5 Life Path 6 Life Path 7 Life Path 8 Life Path 9 Life Path 11 Life Path 22


If you have a 1 Life Path, you are a born leader. You insist on your right to make up your own mind, and you demand freedom of thought and action. You have drive and determination. You don’t let anything or anyone stand in your way once you are committed to your goal. You assume your responsibility to be the protector and provider for those you love. You demand respect and attention, and you become irritated and even domineering when important things don’t go your way. You need to feel in command of important undertakings and you resist supportive roles. You seek the foreground and the limelight.

You are exceptionally creative and original, and you possess a touch of the unusual. Your approach to problems are unique, and you have the courage to wander from the beaten path. You can be impatient with your shortcomings and those of others. You are very concerned with your status, and you foster the appearance of success and self-satisfaction. The need to appear well off propels you to strive for growth, success and the finer things in life.

You should watch out for selfishness, conceit and an over concern with appearance. You must guard against overzealous behavior, anger and aggressiveness. If these qualities are not brought under control, you could become excessively domineering, vindictive and even violent.

You perform best when you are left to your own devices. Ideally you should own your own business in construction or crafts, and you should be your own boss. Hold fast to your life’s dream, and work with the determination you posses to realize it.

You can become overly stressed by your driven nature. Be careful about the food you eat, and maintain an exercise program you enjoy. Competition sports are often a healthy outlet for a person with your drive, particularly sports that involve running and swimming.

Don’t let pride and overconfidence be your masters. Remember, your talents and abilities are a gift from a higher source, which should promote gratitude and humility rather than pride and conceit.

More often than not, a person with a 1 Life Path will achieve much in life as long as the drive, creativity, originality and pioneering spirit are fully employed. Your talents are varied and your potential for success is considerable. You may be attracted to business, the military or governmental institutions as long a you have a leadership role and the possibility to do things your way.


The keyword in your nature is peacemaker. You are extremely sensitive, perceptive and a bit shy. These qualities are both your strengths and your weaknesses, for while you posses enormous sensitivity to your feelings and those of others, the same sensitivity can cause you to hold back and repress your considerable talents. Sensitivity and perceptiveness are among your many fine qualities.

Because you intuitively know what people want or feel, you can be extremely diplomatic and tactful. You are also patient and cooperative. You work well with groups, and somehow find a way of creating harmony among diverse opinions.

You enjoy music and poetry, and require a harmonious environment.

You have an eye for beauty, and a fine sense of balance and rhythm, you have healing capabilities, especially in such fields as massage, acupuncture, physical therapy and counseling. However, your sensitivity can also be your downfall. Your extremely delicate ego bruises easily, and you can make too much of someone else’s thoughtless remarks or criticisms.

Because you are easily hurt, you may tend to withhold your own thoughts and contributions to the matter at hand. This can cause you considerable resentment and anger. Too often, you run from confrontation to avoid a battle. When you employ your considerable inner strength, that will give you the courage to use your own personal power when it is needed.

You are a sensitive and passionate lover; your perceptiveness makes you aware of your partners needs and desires, which you are able to fulfill with almost magical delicacy. However when you feel you have been mistreated or jilted you can react with devastating power, sometimes using personal criticisms vindictively.

Your awareness, diplomatic skills and organizational talents give you the ability to bring off difficult tasks. You willingly step out of the limelight to facilitate the success of your endeavor. In truth, you are often the power behind the throne. However, you often do not receive the credit you deserve for the fine work you’ve done, or your role is underestimated, and your accomplishments overlooked. Rather than brood over your losses, you need to confront those who make less of your contributions, and stand up for your accomplishments.

You need security and comfort, quiet settings, and the company of loved ones. You are a perfectionist when it comes to your home and work environment. You have excellent taste, which is obvious in your private surroundings. You are a fine companion and posses a good sense of humor. Friends seek you for calming and peaceful company. You are a safe haven or other sensitive people who recognize your compassion and understanding. When you have found your niche in life, you have all the talents and intelligence for great success. Seek out work that allows your sensitive nature to flourish. Be the glue that binds others together.

Counseling, teaching and healing are the areas that offer you success and satisfaction. You are also uniquely suited for a career in music, architecture, advertising, agricultural design, fashion, repairing watches and other fine machinery. Politics and law allow using your considerable talents in negotiation and problem solving.


As a 3 Life Path, you possess great talent in creativity and self-expression. Many writers, poets, actors and musicians are born under the 3 Life Path. You are witty, possess a gift for gab and savor the limelight. Your talent for the expressive arts is so abundant that you may have felt drawn to becoming an artist at a very young age. However, your artistic abilities can only mature through discipline and commitment to the true development of your talent.

Thanks to your gift of self-expression, you can be the life of a party and the center of attention. However, you could easily squander your talent by becoming a social butterfly. Your creativity is a gift that can give you the comfort and luxury you desire, but not without continual focus and discipline.

You are optimistic, and you posses the resilience to overcome many setbacks. You are socially active, popular and inspire people with your happy-go-lucky attitude. You can be generous to a fault. Many people born under the 3 Life path have difficulty handling money, because they can be disorganized, and not particularly serious about their responsibilities.

You are emotional and vulnerable. When hurt, you withdraw into a clause of silence, eventually emerging from you reticence with jokes and laughter that cover up your true feelings. You can become moody and cynical when depressed. You can succumb to sarcastic remarks, which can be painful to those around you. When used positively, your talent for self-expression can be a great inspirational force in the world, uplifting others, and bringing much success and happiness to you.


The 4 Life Path is practical and down-to-earth, with strong ideas about right and wrong. You are orderly and organized, systematic and controlled, and you are decisive and methodical, employing a step-by-step rationale approach to problem solving. Once committed, you do not give up easily.

You are not one for get-rich-schemes. Rather you use hard work and long hours while building a business career; you seek to establish a solid foundation. Precise tenacious and persevering, you have a great potential for success, but only after putting out effort, and by overcoming the limitations you so often encounter.

Justice and honesty are sacred to you. You are reliable and dependable, a cornerstone in the community. Though not an idealist, you are willing to work for a better world in the community. However, you can be rigid in your ideas, and sometimes too quick in judging your fellow man.

You are loyal to those you love, and work well with others. It is important that while being part of a team, you have your responsibilities and well-defined task, but you perform better when your responsibilities are not overlapping with those of others.

Your potential for success is particularly good in areas such as banking, accounting, management, organization, building, agriculture, science and the legal fields. You have to be careful not to be bossy and rude. You posses rare discipline and perseverance, and not everyone can keep up with you.

You can handle money carefully, and you like the security of a nest egg. Your love for work often leads you into a career early in life. Because of your methodical nature, you can easily become rigid and stuck in convention. You can also be overly cautious when changes are necessary. This can cause you to miss opportunities that present themselves. You must cultivate flexibility in you character.

You are well-suited for marriage and often become a responsible, loving, parent. However, anything that violates your profound sense of order, such as separation or divorce, can be a shattering experience for you? You easily become obsessed and even vengeful, seeking your own definition of justice. You are courageous and a true survivor. You are a builder and the foundation of any enterprise. Your hard work and practical, traditional values pay off to provide you with the rewards you seek and deserve.


The key to your personality is freedom. You love travel, adventure, variety and meeting new people. You posses the curiosity of a cat, and you long to experience all of life. You love to be involved in several things at the same time, as long as you are not tied down to any one area.

You like change, new things and new horizons. You can make friends easily, and your personality is upbeat and often inspiring, attracting people form all walks of life.

You have a way with words, and an uncanny ability to motivate others. Highly suitable vocations for you include sales, promotion, entertainment, investment, science, medicine, the occult, public service an all careers that require travel and verbal skills. A person with 5 Life Path is often comfortable in front of an audience particularly as master of ceremonies or in comedy.

You are sensual and you love to taste all of life. You find it difficult to commit to one relationship, but once you committed, you can be faithful as an old dog.

You likely lack discipline and order. You can also be impulsive, doing or expressing things you regret later. Freedom and a need for adventures sometimes are not properly controlled y those born with this life path, which can cause problems with drug abuse, overindulgence in food or sex, or general abuse of the gift of life. You are multitalented and posses a variety of diverse abilities. However, discipline and focus are the true keys to your success. Without these, many of the tasks you begin will remain unfinished and they will fail to realize the true fruits of your abilities. With hard work and perseverance, the sky is the limit.

You may have been perceived as a wild child by adults and a source of concern by your family. However, do not be obliged to hurry your choice of career. You are often a late bloomer, and you need to experience life before you can truly know and commit to your heart’s desire.

Your challenge is to learn the true meaning of freedom. Change is constant in your world, requiring adaptability and courage. Try to maintain an exercise program, keep your body in shape and limber. The flexibility and durability of your body will promote security and confidence within you.

You yearn for freedom, and self-employment attracts you powerfully. Your challenge is to settle into one area in order to cultivate your ability sufficiently to earn a living and to attain success. Once you find the niche, the motivation and inspiration you supply to others will bring you much in return. You will find your friends and colleges supporting and promoting you in the road of success.


You posses great compassion and you seek to be of service to others. You have concern for the weak and the downtrodden. You are a healer and a helper to others. You are capable of giving comfort to those in need, and you frequently offer a shoulder for others to cry on.

Your task in life is to develop the tools necessary to be truly helpful to others, rather than to simply be a sympathetic ear. You must find the balance between help and interference. In the same way, you must learn the delicate art of the counselor who knows when to leave the struggle to others and when to avoid taking away the necessary experiences and lessons of life. You are naturally balanced. Therefore you are well equipped to support and ground others in times of trial.

It is your tendency to take responsibility, you often fill the void left by others, and you do not turn away from personal sacrifice. At times, you may feel overburdened by the travails of others. However, the love others bestow upon you is your well-deserved reward.

You try to maintain harmony within the family or group balancing and fusing divergent forces. You seek marriage and you are often a wonderful parent, offering warmth, protection and understanding to children.

You are generous, kind and attractive. You are often admired, even adored, which baffles you. You are humble, and yet carry a deep pride, You move well and gracefully, but will have to work hard to stay in shape. Seek out physical exercise and limit the sweets and dairy you crave, to keep yourself from becoming plump and round.

When young you, you must be careful not to choose partners for the wrong reasons. Do not let sentimentally influence your decisions, especially those involving the choice of a spouse. You need to be needed, but you must learn to discriminate between those you can help and others who are made weaker by your care. After all, it is in you nature to be attracted to weaker brothers and sisters among us.

The temptation and the danger for you are to think of yourself as the savior of the world carrying the burdens of others in your shoulders.

You are blessed with musical talent, as well as talent in the visual and performing arts. However, your creativity may be suppressed due to your willingness to sacrifice or your inability to fully appreciate your talents. This is not to say that you cannot excel in these areas, on the contrary, you have the talent, and with effort you can make success in a number of artistic fields.

You also have enormous talent in business. You are blessed with a great deal of charm and charisma, which you use effectively to attract the people and the support you need. Other vocations that offer you potential for success are mostly found in the areas of healing, teaching, hospitality, management of apartment complex or government institutions, and anything related to animals.


The 7 Life Path is the searcher and seeker of truth. You have a clear and compelling sense of yourself as a spiritual being. As a result, your goal is devoted to investigations into the unknown, and to finding the answers to the mysteries of life.

You posses a fine mind; you are an analytical thinker who is capable of great concentration and theoretical insight. You enjoy research and putting the pieces of an intellectual puzzle together. Once you have enough pieces in place, you are capable of highly creative insight, and of practical solutions to problems.

You enjoy your solitude, preferring to work alone. You need time to contemplate your ideas without the intrusion of other’s people’s thoughts. You are a lone wolf, a person who lives by your own ideas and methods.

As a result, close associations are difficult for you to form and to keep especially, marriage. You need your space and privacy, which when violated, can cause great frustration and irritation. When your life is balanced, however, you are both charming and attractive. You can be the life of a party and you enjoy performing before an audience. You enjoy displaying your wit and knowledge, which makes you attractive to others, especially the opposite sex. But you have distinct limits. While you are generous in social situations, sharing your attention and energy freely, you are keenly aware of the need to come off stage, and to return to the solitude of your lair. You associate peace with the unobtrusive privacy of your world. Therefore, intimacy is difficult for you, because you guard your inner world like a mother lion does her cubs.

However, all this privacy and solitude can cause isolation and loneliness. You can be aware of an emptiness in your life, a part of you that yearns for company and close companionship that may be unsatisfied.

If isolation is brought to extreme, you can become cynical and suspicious. You can develop hidden, selfish motives, which people may sense and cause them to be uncomfortable around you. You must guard against becoming too withdrawn and too independent, thus shutting out the love for others, and keeping you from experiencing the true joy of friendship and close companionship.

You must especially watch out for selfishness and egocentricity, thinking of yourself as the center of the universe, as the only person who really matters. Social contract gives you perspective on yourself and on life, while too much isolation can make you too narrow, and even shut off from the rest of the world.

Secretly, you may feel jealous of the easy relationships formed by others; you may perceive others as less inhibited than you, or more free to express themselves. You may harshly criticize yourself for not being more gregarious, powerful or capable of greater leadership.

Your challenge in life is to maintain your independence without feeling isolated or ineffectual. You must hold fast to your unique view of the world while at the same time being open to others and to the knowledge they have to offer.

With your abilities to learn, analyze and seek out answers to life’s important questions, you have the potential for enormous growth and success in life. By the time you reach middle age you will radiate refinement and wisdom. Phytaguours, who lived 2500 years ago and is often called the father of numerology, loved the 7 for its great spiritual potential.

The person with a 7 Path Life often finds success and satisfaction with business, science, religion, insurance, invention, the occult and anything relate to research.


Those with the 8 Life Path are gifted with natural leadership and the capacity to accumulate great wealth. You have a great talent for management in all areas of life, especially in business and financial matters. You understand the material world; you intuitively know what makes virtually any enterprise work. Your talent lies not with the bookkeeping or petty management, but with greater vision, its purpose and its long-range goals.

You are a visionary and a bit reckless at the same time. You posses the ability to inspire people to join you in your quest, but often they are incapable of seeing what you see. Therefore, those around you need your continual guidance, inspiration, and encouragement. You must prod them into action, and direct them along the lines of your vision.

You attract financial success more than any other Life Path, but effort is required.

Your challenges in life are to achieve a high degree of detachment, and to understand that power and influence must be used for the benefit of mankind. Those born with the number 8 Life Path who do not understand the real relative value of money, are bound to suffer consequences of greed; they run the risk of losing it all. You must have the character and resilience of a true survivor. It is not uncommon for a person with your life path to experience major reverses including bankruptcy and financial failure, but you also have the talent and sheer guts to make more than a fortune, and to build many successful enterprises. More than most people, your failures in marriage can be extremely expensive for you.

Despite the difficulties that life presents, you will experience the satisfaction that comes from material wealth, and the power that comes with it.

Business, finance, real estate, law science (particularly history, archeology and physics), publishing, and the management of large institutions are among the vocational suits that fit you the best. You are naturally attracted to positions of influence and leadership- politics, social work, and teaching are the many areas where your abilities can shine. Civil government, sports, and journalism are other areas that require the characteristics of 8.

You are a good judge of character, which aids you well in attracting the right people to you. Most 8s are like large families, and they sometimes tend to keep others dependent longer than necessary. Although jovial in nature, you are not demonstrative in showing your love and affection. The desire for luxury and comfort is especially strong in you. Status is very important. You must avoid living above your means.

Your Life Path treads that dangerous ground where power and corruption lie. You may become too self-important, arrogant, and domineering, thinking that your way is the only way. This leads inevitably to isolation and conflict.

The people you run the risk of hurting the most are those you love: your family and friends.

Be careful of becoming too stubborn, intolerant, overbearing and impatient. These characteristics may be born early in the life of an 8 Life Path, who often learns these negative traits after suffering under a tyrannical parent, or a family burdened by repressive religious or intellectual dogmas. Those with the 8 Life Path usually possess a strong physique, which is a symptom of their inherent strength and resiliency.


You are philanthropic, humanitarian, socially conscious, and deeply concerned about the state of the world. You have a great compassion and idealism. You are a Utopian and will spend your life trying to realize some aspect of your Utopian dream, sacrificing money, time, and energy for a better world. It is in giving that you will find much satisfaction.

You have a broad outlook on life. You tend to see the big picture, rather than minute details.

You naturally attract people from all walks of life who can fit into your larger plans, and who take over areas you find uninteresting. The person with a 9 Life path is rarely prejudiced and rarely accepts others’ social biases. Instead, you evaluate people on the basis of what they can do for the larger cause. You are true egalitarian. You are imaginative and creative, especially at harmoniously arranging the beauty that is already potential in the environment. These abilities can lead you into such fields as interior decoration, landscape art and photography. But because of your strong social consciousness, you can be an effective politician, lawyer, judge, minister, teacher, healer, or environmentalist. Vocations that require self sacrifice, and that have a clear social impact, are common 9’s.

You are often disappointed by the realities of life: the shortcomings of others or yourself. Somehow you don’t want to accept the imperfections of the world, a feeling that drives you constantly to try improve upon it. But, rather than be satisfied with your efforts, and those of others, you relentlessly push on, striving for greater accomplishments. You are often unsatisfied with the results. In short, you lack the perspective that would otherwise make it possible for you to enjoy life more fully, and to accept it as natural limitations.

You have a controlled enthusiasm, and the ability to finish what you start.

A key to your personality is the necessity of sacrifice. You have to learn to go of material possessions and relationships, the inherent lesson being that holding on to too tightly to anything causes pain.

Money comes to you through mysterious or unexpected ways: inheritance, the benevolence of someone who was inspired by your work, or a lucky investment. Conversely, if you pursue dreams, you’re likely to find yourself empty-handed. The most successful and satisfying road for a 9 is giving, sharing and sacrificing for a larger goal, without expecting anything in return. Your greatest chance at success is to tie your personal fortunes to an endeavor that makes the world a lucrative enterprise, providing amply for you and your family. Your life rests on the axiom that the more you give, the bigger will be your reward.

You are romantic, but your love is more impersonal. You tend to be focused on your dreams.

When you are not in harmony with your true nature, you can fall to moodiness, or become aloof and withdrawn. You can become timid, uncertain, and ungrateful, putting the blame for your troubles on others or the world. You have a gift for examining your life objectively and at some distance. Be honest with yourself. Be open to your shortcomings, as well as your strengths, develop equilibrium. You will thus be able to love and better understand yourself and all life.


You have a potential to be a source and inspiration for people. You possess an inordinate amount of energy and intuition. There is so much going on in your psyche that you are often misunderstood early. Which makes you shy and withdrawn. You have more potential than you know.

You galvanize every situation you enter. You inspire people, but without conscious effort. Energy seems to flow through you without your control. This gives you both power, and sometimes emotional turmoil.

You are a channel for the information between the higher and the lower, between the realm of the archetype and the relative world. Ideas, thoughts, understanding and insight come to you without you having to go through rational thought process. There seems to be a bridge, or connection, between your conscious and unconscious realms, that attunes you to a high level of intuition through which even psychic information can flow.

All of this amounts to a great capacity for invention. Many inventors, artists, religious leaders, prophets and leading figures in history have had 11 prominent in their chart.

Because you are so highly charged, you experience the consequences of a two edged sword. You possess great abilities, but indulge in much self-reflection and self-criticism. You often feel highly self-conscious. You are aware on some level that you stand out. Even when you try to blend with your environment, you often feel conspicuous, alien and out of place.

You are blessed with a message or a specific role to play in life. But you must develop yourself sufficiently to take full advantage of that opportunity. Until that time, your inner development takes precedence over your ability to materialize the great undertaking you were chosen to perform. Consequently, 11’s seem to develop slowly, but simply have to accomplish in their evolution than an average person. Thus, your real success does not usually begin until maturity, between the ages of 35 and 45, when you have progressed further along the path.

You may be frustrated, largely because you have extremely high expectations of yourself. But these expectations can be unrealistic and can prevent you from accomplishing anything. You can be very impractical, envisioning a skyscraper when only a bungalow is required.

You may also suffer from bouts of confusion and a lack of direction. This gives rise to loss of confidence, and the onset of deep depression. The cause of these emotional problems is your lack of understanding of your own sensitivity and potential. You have strong ambition and desire to achieve something great. However lack of confidence in your ability to realize this dream may cause you much frustration. You sense the enormous potential you possess, which requires equally enormous confidence in your ability to materialize your dream. Confidence is the key that unlocks your potential.

On a strictly physical level, you must protect your nervous system, which is inordinately vulnerable to stress, because of your acute sensitivity. Depression is the result of long periods of stress that have gone unrelieved.

Seek out peaceful harmonious environments, as well relaxing music, and follow a healthful diet in order to restore balance and peace.

As an 11 Life Path you are a highly charged version of the 2, and possess similar characteristics and talents. You can be extremely tactful and diplomatic. You are also patient and co-operative. You work well with groups and somehow find a way of creating a harmony among diverse opinions.

You have an eye for beauty and a fine sense of balance and rhythm. You have healing capabilities, especially in the fields of massage, acupuncture, counseling and physical therapy. You suit all 2 vocations.

Like 2, you are a sensitive and passionate lover, your perceptiveness make you aware of your partners needs and desires, which you are able to fulfill with magical delicacy. However, when you feel you have been mistreated or jilted, you can react with devastating power, using personal criticisms vindictively.

You are a fine companion and you possess a good sense of humor. When you have found your niche in life, and have realized your true potential, your rewards will more than compensate for your trials in earlier life.


You were born under the most powerful and potentially most successful of all path numbers. It offers you the extremes of life’s possibilities: On one hand, you have the potential to be the Master builder, the person capable of perceiving something great in the archetypal world. On the other hand , you can slip into the depths of obscurity, achieving little more than personal support.

Your power is delicate. It exists by the virtue of your ideals and vision, which you must use to inspire others to join you in your dream. Only by marshaling collective forces are you able to bring together the necessary elements-people, ideas, resources- that will enable you to realize your goals.

Consequently, your goal is one that requires dramatic evolution. By being able to integrate seemingly conflicting characteristics within yourself-your inspiring vision and natural tendency toward practicality, for example- you develop the talent to deal effectively with a great variety of people. This allows you to understand and to unite many differing peoples towards a single goal, melding them to unite the dream with the bottom line. In short, you are the visionary with your feet on the ground.

You are good at business and politics. You naturally understand large institutions and have the ability to think and act on an international scale. You also share the vocations of the 4.

You are gifted with uncommonly sound common sense. You are able to see the beauty and the potential in a given idea, but also the practical methods that will bring it to fruition. Somehow you understand the limitations of ideas what will work and what will not. This is an intuitive gift that can evaluate possibilities on the basis of their practicality.

While many people aspects the 22 is the most promising number, it is also the most difficult to live up to. You have great ambition, which can be a most difficult master, driving you to accomplish all that you are capable of.

You are a steady partner in any relationship. You offer sound advice and consistent emotional support. You do not suffer from flights of fancy, and you naturally resist the emotional heights. You are unconventional in thought and action, but tend to be traditional in appearance. You avoid airs and pretensions.

Your challenge is to share your vision, and to allow others to make their personal contributions. That requires flexibility on your part, perhaps your weakest characteristic. You often lack faith in the ability of others. Therefore, you tend to control people and situations and are sometimes tempted to manipulate.
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