Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vedas are the system of knowledge in Indian culture.

Vedas are the system of knowledge in Indian culture. Although associated primarily with Hindu religion, they have a very broad outlook. They do not contain rules and regulations just for Hindus only but for all dharmik people, i.e. men and women with principles. The religion described in Vedas is called Sanatana Dharma (the eternal religion, religion for all). It is interesting to note that there is no word for religion in Sanskrit, the ancient language of India. The closest word is Dharma which means “principle”. Vedas are essentially a study of self. Astrology, as an integral part of Vedas, which is the reason it is called Vedanga Jyotish, does not deviate from this basic paradigm. Astrology is not just about predicting the course of one’s life. It is meant to be a guide. It is about how movement of planets affects you as a person. The divine science of Vedic interpretation and prediction perfected over the last 4000 years can provide guidance not only on physical matters such as health, wealth, and relations, but also on spiritual matters such as Moksha (Liberation). It can help promote your virtues, and mitigate your drawbacks.

1. What is a Horoscope ?

2.Can luck be changed ?

3.What are the factors that restrict the growth of your luck ?


4. Is it is possible through remedies to get everything even if it is not in the birth chart ?

5. WHow much Vastu is responsible for your life and fate ?

6..What is Mangal Dosha ? (The evil effects of Planet Mars)

7. What is Sade Sati ?(Seven and a half years of Saturn)

8.What is Kalsarpa Yoga?

9. Do gems really have an effect?How do they work?

10. What are the principles involved when mass tragedies like war, earth quakes take place?


11.Can we really reduce the bad effects of planets?

12. Why is it important to match horoscopes for marriage?

13. What principles are checked while matching compatibility for marriage?

14. What principles are involved while naming children as per their horoscope

15. Are planetary effects predominant?What is the human effort is the whole process?

1. What is a Horoscope ?

A Horoscope is the symbolic interpretation in form of a table (format changes from country to country as well as culture to culture) for the placement of planets in the zodiac for a particular place at a particular time and day.

Its equivalent would be a snap shot of the sky at the same specified time of birth.

Since the system of Indian Astrology recognizes the heavenly bodies in our solar system while taking the rest of the constellations and galaxies as reference points in relation to the planets, we judge the strength of the planets based on the constellation they are moving against.

For the purpose of uniformity we fix the point rising on the Eastern Horizon (called the Ascendant) so as to read the charts with constant values for judgement.

A horoscope would be exclusive to you hence an individual character and destiny for all living beings

2. Can luck be changed ?

Yes luck can be changed. There are certain religious organizations which teech that luck can`t be changed. In our opinion, in Hindu religion Veda`s are the superior authority as regard to any matter relating to religion, science, society, administration or medical or any other field. In Vedas there are numourous salokas where it has been clearly stated that we can conquer the death upto some extent, we can increase our age and we can even fight with the death agents. In Tulsi Ramayana Tulsi Dass ji also quoted that planets have effects on the human beings but if some goods are rightly placed only then man can get good results. We are giving herewith the hindi details of some shalokas and Tulsi Ramayana:

3. What are the factors that restrict the growth of our luck

There are mainly three factors that restrict the growth of luck.

1. Astrological Factor: Your horoscope planetary position in the yearly chart.

Your yearly chart will tell the limit upto which your luck can be increased. Some planetary positions restrict the growth of luck in the horoscope.

2. Remedies Factor: If wrong remedies are done, it may restrict the progress of your luck during that year.

3. Vastu Factor: The Vastu position where you are residing or working also effects the growth of your luck. Suppose if Vastu position stands at 25 % and your horoscope position after remedies can be increased to 500 % then due to restriction of Vastu Factor your luck can`t be raised beyond 25 % unless Vastu position is improved.

4. Is it possible through remedies to get everything even if it is not in the Birth chart.

There is some limitation to this position. A person can get 5 times more good results than normal perfect results through remedies . Some times one has to leave one thing to get another. This all depends on the planetary position in the birth horoscope of that persons which forms some yogas which are important in delivery of desired results.

5. How much Vastu is responsible for our life and fate ?

Vastu and our yearly horoscope is equally responsible for our fate. If any one of them is not favorable then development is bound to restrict. We must handle both Vastu and yearly horoscope to get desired results.

6. What is Mangal Dosha?(The evil effects of Planet Mars)

Mangal Dosha is a generic astrological term for Malefic ( Bad ) planets placed in certain positions as well as combinations which hamper the married as well as romantic life of a person. Mangal Dosha also contributes to a persons personality and usually makes a person with such affliction in their birth chart , not very adjusting in life and with some character defect which usually causes adversities between partners.

The planets involved are MARS ( At the head of the list called Mangal in Hindi ,the common language of India,hence named after him ), SATURN, RAHU ( Dragon's Head) and KETU ( Dragon's name ). These planets when they effect any of the following areas : Family, Happiness, Longevity of spouse, Fulfillment in sexual matters they are generically put up as Manglik Dosha.

The effects of this dosha vary as follows :

Dissatisfaction in married life, Inability to find a person suitable for marriage, Incompatible sexual preference, Inadequate longevity of spouse, low adjustment potential, lack of satisfaction with own spouse and hence looking for other avenues,frequent quarrels and fights in domestic life, Delay in marriage are a few of the effects of this dosha.

A word of caution through, just having Manglik dosha will not give all these bad effects and even the intensity will differ from person to person. So we would advise that such judgement is left to the experts and you do not fall prey to any conclusions.

7.What is Sade Sati?(Seven and a half years of Saturn)

The period is caused in Indian Astrology when Saturn transits 12th, 1st and 2nd houses from Moon sign This period is called Sade Sati:

Sade Sati is a very dreadful word for the common masses. It occurs after avery 30 years in life.People go by mere traditional convention and general belief that Sade Sati period brings dissatisfaction, disappointments, depression, differences, disputes, disharmony and undesirable results ,but actually this is not the case.Sade Sati consists of 3 cycles of 2 1/2 years called Dhaia (2 ½ years) when Saturn transits in 12th, 1st and 2nd houses from Moon sign. The three cycles are explained below as per standard dictum and should not be accepted as such, subject to other conditions laid down below:

IST CYCLE: - In the first cycle, when Saturn transits 12thhouse from moon for 2 years, the evil results are felt by the parents and near relations of the native. The health of grand mother will be affected and may result in her death. The eyesight of the native can be affected necessitating the use of spectacles .Saturn here puts era expenditure.

The position of Saturn may affect the financial position as Saturn aspects 2ndhouse, it may retard environmental activities. If in a birth chart Saturn is passing through the last phase of life may force native to get sanyas VIZ one will be detached from his or her family, wealth, home etc.Fore saking of these worldly things amounts to Sanyas.

In addition to the above during this period, the father of native may have set back or reversal, loss etc. in his profession, and will lead to an extra, unwanted and uncalled for expenditure which may become unbearable for the native.

2ND CYCLE: - During this cycle Saturn transits the moon sign for 2 ½ years. During this period, it affects the native himself in domestic and professional fields. Alsodenotes ill health and death of some relations, fear from enemies, journey to distant places and separation from relations like brothers, sisters, wife or family etc. May cause imprisonment, miseries, loss of wealth, fatigue and general debility, loss of friends, Obstructions and delay in undertakings, failure in attempts and increased expenditure.

3RD CYCLE: - Saturn when transits in 2nd house from Moon, third cycle of Sadi Sati starts. It affects one's health, children and may even cause death if it come in late life.During this transit, loss of health, happiness, loss of position, increased expenditure, financial stress and physical weakness might be felt. Gain of wealth from others, which will be lost, deception through wicked men.May cause death of children too if other combinations to confirm the same are present.

These are the effects of the sade sati of Saturn.

8.What is Kalsarpa Yoga?

Kalasarpa Yoga is formed by the situation of all planets within Rahu ( Dragon's head ) and Ketu ( Dragon's Tail ).Here Rahu ( Dragon's Head ) must be considered as moving in an anti-clockwise direction. The effects of this combination is general weakness of the birth chart with the good effects of favourable planets curtailed while the bad effects of evil planets are magnified.

The combination works on a lifelong basis however the majority of the effects are felt by 36 years of age and thereafter the person progresses well in life.

9.Do gems really have an effect?How do they work?

Precious stones when properly selected and used ward off evils indicated by the planets.Different planets have different stones.A proper use of them will also help the native in favorable situations or enterprises.The gems pertaining to a particular planet concentrates the positive energies as well as the specific color of the planet and funnels the effects in the body of the person wearing it by using the system of a filter to allow that particular energy & color to get absorbed in the body.

10. What are the principles involved when mass tragedies like war, earth quakes take place?

When a country is subjected to evil rays the individual has no separate independent existence.He becomes a part of the whole and an astrologer is expected to keep a vigilant eye on the directions in the national chart as well as the effects of other celestial phenomena with the help of mundane astrology (which studies the influence of New Moons, Eclipses, Ingresses, planetary conjunctions and comets) upon the fate of nations, countries and peoples.

11. Can we really reduce the bad effects of planets?

Yes bad effects can be reduced although not fully reversed ( Since we cannot change destiny ) by various remedies prescribed in our ancient Indian texts.

These include recitation / chanting of esoteric words in harmony with the god governing the malefic planet. This is called a Mantra.

Then we have ancient symbols with are imprinted or embossed on metal or other material plaques and then meditated upon to give them the power to ward of the adverse planetary effects. This method is used for peculiar planetary combinations and usually is used at place of work or at home. This is called a Yantra.

Of course the most popular remedy has been the wearing of gems & metals to give strength to the planet causing troubles and hardships.

Lastly is the method of remedies which include various ancient practices ( too detailed for discussion here ) which provide relief from various planetary adversities.

Collectively these practices have provided relief to mankind provided the person does not forget that there is no alternative to action and honesty in intentions to overcome adverse periods in life.

12. Why is it important to match horoscopes for marriage?

Marriage is one of the most important aspects of life and it is with the help of astrology that we are able to check various issues like the chances of the relationship continuing without a break, harmony in life, whether one person is causing hurdles or pressure on the life of the other partner.

With these cleared the marriage can be performed with much more ease in the mind.

Since we all know a bad relationship can put a person back by a few years so getting the horoscope matched is like buying insurance for a happy and peaceful life.

13. What principles are checked while matching compatibility for marriage?

The method of checking compatibility is a very scientific methodThe following areas are checked for compatibility and the cumulative total after giving a weighted importance to each area is 36 points. As per ancient Indian texts the minimum points allowed for the match to be approved is 18 points or 50 %. The different areas are :




TEMPRAMENTS ( Intellectual Compatibility )


LONGEVITY OF HUSBAND. ( Growth of family )


LONGEVITY OF WIFE.( Growth of family )














SPIRITUAL & EGO DEVELOPMENT OF PARTNER (In relation to each other)


PULSE OR NERVOUS ENERGY ( To cover psychological and hereditary factors so that both the partner do not have the same genetic defects which are passed on to the next generation.

Since every person cannot have harmony in all areas so the ancient texts prescribe at least 50 % compatibility so as to give the marriage a chance to work.

There is empirical evidence to show that the marriages between people with a compatibility factor below 50 %have a lower success rate than ones with figure higher than that.

14.What principles are involved while naming children as per their horoscope?

Each zodiac sign corresponds to certain sounds as per the list given below. Just like a musical instrument where certain points signify certain sounds similarly the zodiac signs are different places in space corresponding to these sounds as mentioned below.

A person named in harmony with the sound corresponding to his birth chart gets the effects of planetary combinations in a more smooth and unhindered way than those people named in disharmony with their natural birth sounds.


Sign First letter of your name Indicating Moon Sign

1. Aries chu, che, cho, la, lee, lu, le, lo, aa

2. Tauras ee, oo, ae, o, va, vi, vu, ve, vo, ba, bi, bu, be,bo

3. Gemini ka, ki, ku, gh, cha, ke, ko, ha

4. Cancer hi, hu, he, ho, da, di, du, de, do

5. Leo ma, mi, mu, me, mo, ta, ti, tu, te

6. Virgo to, pa, pu, kh, tha, pe, pi, pi

7. Libra ra, ri, ru, re, ro, ta, ti, tu, te

8. Scorpio to, na, ni, nu, ne, no, ya, ya, ye, yu

9. Sagittarius ye, yo, bh, bhi, bhu, gh, ph, dh, bhe

10. Capricorn bho, ja, ji, ju, je, jo, kh, khi, khu, khe, khoo, ga, gi

11. Aquarius gu, ge, go, s, sh, si, su, se, so, da

12. Pisces di, du, tha, jh, ja, de, do, ch, chee

15. Are planetary effects predominant?What is the human effort is the whole process?

It is true that the science of astrology is a science of indication.Provided there is a strong will and requisite effort is brought into play, certain indications in the horoscope can be overcome.Of course, the strong will in such a case will be indicated in the nativity itself.Just as unfavourable indications can be overcome.In the above manner, the promise of good effects can also be spoiled in various ways.A weak and vacillating mind will not be able to take advantage of the planetary vibrations and bring them to fruit.For exampleif the man acts perversely, he can prevent a good alliance of marriage.It is to some extent within the range of prediction too.

Kaal-Sarp Yoga Click here>>>>

Saade Saati Click here>>>>

Your life Path Click here>>>>

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